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Fondata il 24 Novembre 1892 dal Prof. Ercole Pasquali Ente Morale con Decreto Regio n. 3512 del 24 Dicembre 1928

Linee Guida Internazionali

WHO Recommendations on Maternal and Newborn Care for a Positive Postnatal Experience

Linee Guida ESGO su Carcinoma della Cervice Uterina

Linee Guida ESGO su Cancro dell’Endometrio

Linee Guida ESGO su Carcinoma Vulvare

Linee Guida ESGO su Carcinoma Ovarico

FIGO Consensus Guidelines on Intrapartum Fetal Monitoring

Chickenpox in Pregnancy

Salpingectomy for Ovarian Cancer Prevention

Linee Guida Contraccezione di Emergenza

Induction of Labour at Termin Older Mothers

In Vitro Fertilisation: Perinatal Risks and Early Childhood Outcomes

FIGO Guidelines

Prevention and treatment of postpartum hemorrhage in low-resource settings

Guidelines on Post-Partum Haemorrhage

Working together we can make a huge difference by adopting and implementing these guidelines wherever women give birth.

Emergency Contraceptive Pills

Medical and Service Delivery Guidelines

Prevention and Treatment of Postpartum Hemorrhage in Low-Resource Settings

FIGO Safe Motherhood and Newborn Health (SMNH) Committee
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